11AM LA / 2PM NY / 7PM UK
What is communication? How do we communicate? During the pandemic we had to rely on texts, emails, posts, video; essentially, communication with far less of the non-verbal clues and indicators we would previously have relied on.
As we continue to navigate a different phase of the pandemic, that of communication in a post-pandemic world, we find ourselves having to relearn the etiquette of face to face conversation. Has the way you socially interact changed?? What is my body language telling you? Are you talking to fill a supposed awkward silence or are you really listening to learn something new?
Through the exploration of all of the different ways in which we communicate, can we learn and benefit from deep listening, and collective sensing to bring empathy and a greater chance of experiencing deep and meaningful interactions?
Join us to discuss
- Sensing and communication beyond words
- Exercises to develop listening skills
- How to hear non verbally
- What makes a great conversation.