
Title: Tassels Off (Contributor)

Buttercup contributed to the Tassels Off project through her extraordinary insight into the mind of a burlesque dancer with a long career in the business. She will also be writing the foreword for a book being written by Sophie Lavender and others. See Sophie Lavender

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Biography and links

Buttercup is a burlesque performer, producer, instructor and costumer in Las Vegas, Nevada. She hails from New York City, where she studied at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts. Along with her skilled voice and movement, Buttercup incorporates traditional burlesque elements into her routines. 
Buttercup produces multiple successful burlesque shows including Tease: A Burlesque Revue for The Burlesque Hall of Fame and Revusical, a live Jazz and Burlesque revue. Buttercup is Program Coordinator at the Burlesque Hall of Fame, managing its School of Striptease. 