16th June 2022 ASN: Discussion - A World View: A glimpse of the future. What can you see?


11AM LA / 2PM NY / 7PM UK

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The planet we call home is smaller than it’s ever been, and its interconnections are more than evident. The option of living on another planet is not now entirely science fiction, that said, for everyone (except a tiny percentage) we have little option other than to consider our position in reality, grounded here, on earth. What are your immediate thoughts - science fiction or near reality? 

What is your worldview? The signals of change can often be hard to spot but the results of change are more and more evident. How /does it affect you, and how do you see your future? Will/can technology save us? 

Will the survival of the fittest remain the model humanity has to endure, or will another economic and more humanistic model emerge?

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Join us to discuss

  • Your understanding of the world - positive, negative or a combination of both 
  • What shapes your understanding of the world - your sources and influences 
  • How change happens and how you can have an impact 
  • How to get tickets to Mars  

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