June 25, 2020 11:00 AM – 12 noon
Please join us for an ASN: Discussion Online Event - Join here
Following on from our discussions over the last three months we will review and conclude our three-part series on disruption. We will begin by recapping on our two previous discussions and define ways in which we can move forward with a greater understanding of global disruption. We will understand more as our world emerges, or not, from the Covid-19 pandemic. Walking the more promising road will require us to be agile, and understand that risk management will play a much larger role in all our lives. Do we lean into technology and leave our damaged world behind as in a future envision in the book ‘Ready Player One’ (Ernest Cline, 2011), or one of the many other dystopian views of our world, or do we break away and embrace the new, and return to a more needs-driven, and considered use of technology. Technology that really works, and critically works for everyone.
We will need our governments, NGOs, financial institutions, and everything to change, we will need to understand what we lose if we use current data and tech to fashion our new world, and how much you are willing to ‘let go’? We know disruption needs people who can imagine wholly different scenarios, combined with the ability to see opportunity where others might see difficulty. As already discussed, it all hangs in the balance, new ways to think, new skills, and a vastly changed view of the value of an up until now, old government system and bad-technology driven world. Where will you be? What will your work look like, and will you be able to recognise your position and value in the new and ever-changing world?
Join us again for this concluding session to forge your way forward.
- Recognizing the potential in phenomenal long-lasting change
- Creating a framework that encompasses risk
- Forming a view of our changed world
- Being ready, open and able to see opportunity