21st November 2024 - Did I really say that? It doesn’t sound like me — maybe the recording got it wrong

11AM LA / 2PM NY / 7PM UK

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Video surveillance has long been a part of our cities and public spaces, but now audio surveillance has become ubiquitous, extending into our homes and offices, listening to both our best and less-than-best moments. 

While it may be expected in personal spaces, its presence in the workplace is a new and concerning development—especially with AI tools like Otter and Copilot. These technologies record and summarize meetings, then share the content with those in charge. 

 Have you ever made an off-the-cuff comment in a meeting that wasn’t meant to be shared? Imagine your words being transcribed, summarized by an AI, and sent as a report to a boss who wasn’t present. This opens up an entirely new frontier that demands discussion. The impact of this technology needs to be fully understood by everyone involved, not just those receiving the meeting notes.

Join us to explore 

  • An AI Meeting Assistant transcript and experience firsthand what it feels like to have your contributions recorded, including how as humans we speak about people whether they are present or not.

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Image ref: makeuseof.com
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